Saturday, August 28, 2010

Em's new blog...


I decided to create a new blog for my travels in AFrica, so here is the link for those who would like to follow:



Thursday, August 19, 2010

Welcome to Covenant!

Hello my dear friends and family (if any of you are still reading this blog!) =)

I have been back at Covenant for about 5 days now (since Sunday night) preparing to be an Orientation team leader. As we prep, we've been able to assemble info packets, listen to the unfortunate candidates put on the hot seat (something I dread something fiercely), worship together, learn ice breakers to do with the new students, etc. One of the best parts of being on o-team though is participating in the o-team talent show... or as one core team member put it: the o-team smorgasbord. This show consists of our group of leaders lip syncing to various types of music, typically relaying some story on romance and break ups concerning to Covenant College. It is quite amusing to watch, fun to be in, and viewers should be ready to laugh a LOT.

After all of these long days of various activities, all of our prep time is ending tonight, for the new students arrive tomorrow! It's been great to see some returning students in the past two days (returning or new fall athletes and the discipleship coordinators). Tonight was ended with a worship time in Mills 2nd Lobby where the echo is amazing to sing with! It made me really excited for when the entire collection of Christians will be singing together with the angels praising our Lord Jesus. After singing, we all walked single file throughout the campus on a prayer walk. It was fun because I got to see all of the new name tags on the doors, but it was also very good for me because I haven't just talked to God for that long of a time in a LONG time. I love having a God who is both worthy to be praised and someone I can just talk to at the same time. We ended the prayer walk at the lookout point between Probasco and Brock (two buildings) and a few students/staff members popcorn prayed as we all stood in a circle with joined hands. Then, someone led us as we closed by singing the Doxology.
I'm so glad to be back at Covenant!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Western Heights, Knoxville, home, Rwanda, and beyond


I've said goodbye to Knoxville, Western Heights, and Anna (for now)! Its been an incredible summer. The past 12 weeks have been full of growth, challenges, laughter, and hard work. I've grown exponentially relationally, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, community developmentally, etc. Now that it is over and I am home, I'm exhausted, but I'm getting more excited by the day for my next step: Kigali, Rwanda!


We said goodbye to Western Heights--our home away from home for 12 weeks. We became attached to so many people here. I changed our blog picture from this WH picture to the respective countries/state that we will be in for the next 4 months.

Anna and Emily: the KGs (Knoxville Girls). What an eventful internship we had together! Thanks for all the laughs and good times Anna!