Thursday, May 27, 2010

Burritos and Fried Chicken

If you didn't know this already, I like food a lot. So, I decided that this post should be dedicated to two types of food that I have eaten in the last week. Last Friday we ate at a local Mexican place in Western Heights called Taco de Mexico. I had just interviewed the owner a day or two before, so she recognized me and chatted easily with Emily, Bill, and I as we ordered. Our burritos were huge and somewhat bland. I liked it with hot sauce, but Bill didn't agree with the whole burrito thing. It has since been the joke of the week.
This week has gone by incredibly fast. Honestly, I've always had a disliking for Mondays and am usually glad when they're over with, but if feels like it was yesterday. We've had a few enjoyable listening conversations and have been able to set up a few more, but it has been somewhat of a struggle to get a hold of people lately. Emily and Rhyan (a member of the Alliance/ another intern) had an INTENSE 3 1/2 hour long interview that has taken days to muddle through. whew. that's a long time to talk to someone.
I feel like Emily and I have learned a new description of flexibility: driving out to places just to have things canceled on you. Emily gave me wise advice: call before you go out. huh. who would of thunk it...that's actually quite helpful.
Today we got to see a friendly face: Professor Corbett. He's currently advising the Alliance in their actions so that they can get involved as humble outsiders. He reminded us that we need to approach these people with the knowledge that they have existed in the community before we even knew about the community. We need to ask them how we can help them, not ask them to help us.
So my story ends with fried chicken. Why you may ask? 1. The topic of soul food has been very popular this week between Emily and I 2. I ate chicken wings today.
This is the end of our third week. A fourth of the way done. I feel like we've just gotten started! Please be in prayer because our focuses did get shifted a bit today as things are being discovered and worked out. Pray that we would have patience, a true heart for the community, and the realization that we are here but for a summer and we need to work for the Alliance and their goals and not the goals we think should be done.

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous you got a visit from Prof. Corbett! I'm glad to hear y'alls research is progressing well. I love you both and am praying for you!
