Friday, July 30, 2010

So long dear friends, but please keep reading!

Dear family and friends,

Today is my last day in Knoxville for the summer. Emily left bright and early this morning for her 10 or so hour long drive home. As you know she will be going to Africa this fall semester for 16 weeks and I will be returning to Covenant College- both our last years as undergrads. My mom flies up tonight and we will start our 11.5 hour drive home tomorrow morning.

Emily and I are going to try to continue this blog for those of you who'd still like to keep updated with us. The posts may not be very consistent, but we'd like to share our senior year with you, although in different continents for half of it.

Knoxville has been an incredible experience. I've grown personally and have learned more about the complexities of working alongside a community. The Frazers, my host family, have been the kindest and most welcoming family I could've ever asked for and have absolutely loved staying with them this summer. I hope to see them again soon, or at least keep them updated on my life. I have been blessed to have such amazing people to work with and Bill Goosie was great to work with.

It's hard to believe that the internship is basically over. I still need to go back to FBC and print off my internship work and I need to touch up some things, but after all of the worrying and researching, it's done. Coming here I didn't know what to expect and now I'm leaving with a LOT of new friends.

I'm about to start another new branch of my life, I just hope that I can continue to recognize that and enjoy every moment of it.

Prayer Requests:
1. Keep Emily and I safe in our travels
2. Pray that I will work hard my senior year, but enjoy it to the full
3. Pray for Western Heights, the Western Heights Community Alliance, and all those willing to give their lives towards the community
4. Pray that Emily and I will put our complete trust in Jesus in everything we do.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations girls :) I'm so proud of you!!

    Can't wait to see you Anna!! and Em, I love you and will be praying for you :D
